Developing your Baby’s Senses

The first time my baby responded to her name was so exciting. I could now confirm that she could actually hear me. When you hold your baby close to you and sing a lullaby and he settles down to listen to you, there is a lot of stimulation going on. Your baby’s emotional, physical and intellectual development is most developed by a loving touch.

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Infant Massage

How To Massage

LEGS • Start with your baby’s legs as this is a non-invasive part of the body and you can keep good eye contact and make...

Your Newborn’s Face and Head

Right after the baby was placed in her arms, she whispered, "My baby really has a funny shaped head." After birth, your little one may...

General Health Complications Associated with Pre-term Babies

Preterm babies are usually expected to have health complications associated with their early arrival. However, this is not always as the case as some...
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