Developing your Baby’s Senses

The first time my baby responded to her name was so exciting. I could now confirm that she could actually hear me. When you hold your baby close to you and sing a lullaby and he settles down to listen to you, there is a lot of stimulation going on. Your baby’s emotional, physical and intellectual development is most developed by a loving touch.

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Colic Massage

When is Infant Massage not Appropriate?

Anytime your baby cries or is irritated, your first instinct will be to give a massage. If you do it well, the young one...


See a doctor if your baby’s temperature is higher or lower than the following normal ranges. You only need to check your baby’s temperature...

Shaken Baby Syndrome

It’s common to see Kenyans shake a baby in an attempt to soothe or to make baby laugh. However, many don’t know that shaking...
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