
When I was a little girl, I wondered why my skin looked rough, and was constantly itchy. I envied my friends’ smooth skin that looked beautiful. I was very self conscious and so preferred wearing long sleeved sweaters and long dresses so that I could hide my skin. It was just as I became an adult that I got to understood that I have an allergic condition known as eczema. It did become better with time but I still have skin pigmentation that has persisted to date.

Allergies in Babies

When I was a little girl, I wondered why my skin looked rough, and was constantly itchy.  I envied my friends’ smooth skin that...
Allergy Conditions

Treatment of Allergy Conditions

The type of treatment for an allergy depends on the underlying cause. Inhalant Allergy Your doctor may decide to use the following treatments to deal with...

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning among babies is very common. The little ones have such a sensitive digestive system that a small kitchen mistake will definitely affect...

Down Syndrome

The first physician to diagnose and describe this syndrome was known as John Langdon Down and thus the condition was named Down syndrome.  This...
Your Baby's Senses

Early Childhood Brain Development

At birth, the brain is not completely mature. The parts of the brain that handle thinking and remembering, as well as emotional and social...
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