First Aid for Babies

Babies are naturally curious and as they grow, they do tend to get into little accidents around the home.  It is important to know what to do in the event of an accident and so we would encourage all parents and the baby’s caretakers to attend a first aid class to equip themselves with these first aid tools

First Aid for Babies

Importance of Attending First Aid Training for Kenyan Parents

If your baby begins to choke or to have breathing difficulties, would you know what to do? Many parents in Kenya would quickly rush...

Cuts and Scrapes

No matter how careful you’re as a parent, it’s impossible to protect your child from cuts and scrapes. Children are naturally adventurous and playful,...

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning among babies is very common. The little ones have such a sensitive digestive system that a small kitchen mistake will definitely affect...
First aid tips

Basic First Aid Tips for First Time Parents in Kenya

For most new parents keeping their baby healthy and safe is a priority whether at home or outdoors. In most cases, they invest in...

What to Include in Your Home First Aid Kit for Baby

Babies are delicate beings that need a lot of care and attention as they grow up and become independent. However, taking good care of...

Head Injuries

What to do if your child falls: 1. Console your baby. Stay calm and don’t panic. This will help your child calm down so you can...


Dislodge the blockage   • Hold your baby so that he is lying face down along your forearm with his head lower than his bottom...

BATHING BASICS: Baths & Sponge baths

You should give your baby a bath preferably once a day to allow him/her to relax unless otherwise advised by a doctor. You'll need the...

Head Injuries

What to do if your child falls: 1. Console your baby. Stay calm and don’t panic. This will help your child calm down so you can...

Diapering Essentials

As you prepare to receive your baby, you and your partner have to make critical decisions concerning the baby. For instance, you need to...
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