Vaginal Birth after C-Section (VBAC)

Your first baby birth ended in an emergency c-section. Can you later have a vaginal birth? Is it possible? What are the risks? A few years ago it was almost guaranteed that once you had a C-Section, you had to have all your children the same way. However, a lot of progress has been made in this field and it is now possible to consider having a baby vaginally even after a previous C-section.

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Vaginal Birth after C Section

Having A Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC)?

Yes, you can. Women who have had a baby through caesarian can still deliver naturally. Nevertheless, you need to have a long talk with...

Getting a ‘Flat’ Belly Again

Your baby finally arrived! However, when you look at yourself in the mirror now, the only thing you see is the protruding belly. You...

Sex After Delivery

For most new mums getting back to sex after the lapse of the six-week window given by doctors is a bit scary. In most...
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