Common Tests and Procedures During Pregnancy

In your pregnancy journey, you will be required to carry out different tests and procedures to determine your health together with that of your baby. It is important to understand the test and procedures carried out on you by discussing with your healthcare provider on the benefits and any risks involved before doing them.

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Blood Pressure Tests in Pregnancy

Routine Tests to Expect During Pregnancy

Your doctor will conduct a few tests throughout your pregnancy to know your health and that of your baby. In some cases, you’ll be...
changes during pregnancy Trimester-wise

2nd Trimester (15-28 Weeks OR 3-6 Months)

By this time, it starts becoming a bit obvious that there is a ‘bun in the oven’.  You can now start enjoying the vibrant...

An overview of Pregnancy Fitness

Regular exercise has it benefits both pre and post-pregnancy, which makes it important to find a routine that will work for you while pregnant...
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