What is a Breech Baby?

You are around 34 weeks pregnant and have just visited your doctor and she informs you that your baby is in ‘breech’ position. Did you know that the Baby Banda L Pillow has been designed to give you the much-needed support for the discomforts you may experience while you sleep during pregnancy and may also encourage your baby into an optimal position for birth?

Breech Baby

A breech baby is a term that refers to a baby who is in the ‘breech’ position and this typically means that the baby’s...

Helping Turn a Breech Baby

If your baby is in the breech position, there are a few things you can do to encourage your baby to turn. To encourage...
Pregnancy Weight Loss

Managing your Weight During the Holidays

For most people, the holiday season comes with delicious food and weight gain. We all know how hard it is to say no to...
Glucose Screening and Glucose Tolerance Test

What to Expect During A Glucose Screening Test in Pregnancy

One of the routine tests you will take when pregnant is the glucose tests. These are tests commonly carried out between 24 and 28...
After The Abortion Procedure

After The Procedure

Beyond the emotional turmoil that comes after such a procedure, this is also a period of physical recovery. Here are a few tips on...
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