What is a Breech Baby?

You are around 34 weeks pregnant and have just visited your doctor and she informs you that your baby is in ‘breech’ position. Did you know that the Baby Banda L Pillow has been designed to give you the much-needed support for the discomforts you may experience while you sleep during pregnancy and may also encourage your baby into an optimal position for birth?

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Pregnancy Diet: Myths and Reality

Finding out you are pregnant is an exciting time and you are likely to get a lot of advice on how to take care...

How to shop when expecting twins

Preparing for two babies is likely to be a financial burden for new parents especially if they are the firstborns. It is for this...

Do Pregnant Mums Have Unique Dreams?

Dreams are often a reflection of thoughts in our subconscious and can reveal one’s emotional state as well. However, for pregnant mums, their dreams...
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