Baby Rooms Ideas

Decorating your children’s room does not have to be an expensive affair, you can modify your child’s space by doing a few changes that makes your baby feel a sense of ownership. This not only makes bedtime easier but also helps you to start training your child to have a sense of responsibility

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How to Prepare Siblings of Different Ages

Preparing ages 2-4 years At this age, your child is still very attached to you and they may not like the idea of sharing you...
Nail Care During Pregnancy. Nail Care Guide

Nail Care During Pregnancy

Healthy fingernails and toenails are smooth, with an even colour. During pregnancy, most women’s nails actually grow faster due to hormones. Here are a...

Simple ways to show support to your pregnant partner in Kenya

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life where she is vulnerable and needs all the support she can get from her partner. However,...
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