Worm Infestation

A few years ago, there was an advert on TV that had a man asking; Je? Una minyoo? (Do you have worms?) And the answer was a slap on the face….worms and parasites usually evoke a feeling of embarrassment yet they are very common.

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How to Teach Your Toddler Basics of Hand Washing

Hand washing is a habit that should be encouraged among toddlers all over Kenya in order to avoid health problems. However, for a toddler...

Problems mums are likely to face when potty training

Getting your child to use their potty well is an achievement for many mums raising toddlers. The main reason is that potty training is...

Signs That Your Toddler Has Hit “Terrible twos”

Most parents in Kenya that have toddlers approaching two years old have the fear of the “terrible twos”. It is common to find them...
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