Allergies in Babies


When I was a little girl, I wondered why my skin looked rough, and was constantly itchy.  I envied my friends’ smooth skin that looked beautiful. I was very self-conscious and so preferred wearing long sleeved sweaters and long dresses so that I could hide my skin. It was just as I became an adult that I got to understand that I have an allergic condition known as eczema.  It did become better with time but I still have skin pigmentation that has persisted to date.


Allergy is the term used to describe an over-reaction of the body to a substance that is normally harmless to most people. This substance is known as an allergen and is often inherited. Your baby gets exposed to these substances through the respiratory system, Food (eating) and contact with the skin.


Inhalant Allergy

This is the type of allergy caused by reactions to allergens that enter the body via the respiratory tract. They may develop with recurrent or prolonged exposure to the allergen. These can be pollens, dust, molds, animal fur, or other substances breathed in through the nose. Symptoms of inhalant allergy may be year round or seasonal e.g. wheezing during the cold weather. These symptoms include

  • Itching of the nose, tickly throat, eyes or ears,
  • Mucous secretions
  • Congestion of the nose and chest
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Teary eyes
  • Wheezing

Food Allergies

Often, common foods that are eaten too frequently are the ones that cause symptoms of food allergy. The most common food allergens are wheat, fruit, shellfish and dairy products. Non-food substances may also cause symptoms. These would include medicines such as penicillin or sulfa, or chemicals such as food preservatives.  Symptoms include

  • Swelling of lips, face, eyes
  • Hives or welts
  • Ear Infection
  • Inflammation of the throat and tingling Mouth
  • Abdominal pain; vomiting, diarrhea and constipation

Contact Dermatitis (Skin Rash)

Contact dermatitis is a rash or swelling caused by direct contact of an allergen with the skin. These can be caused by soaps, perfumes, lotions, cloth softeners, earrings, and wool shirts etc that come into contact with the skin. Symptoms include

  • Itchy skin
  • Long Lasting Rash

Click here to read on treatment for toddler allergies.