Babies With Special Needs

When my mother brought my younger sister home, I remember asking her why my little sister had a big head, and at first it was the family joke. However, when my mother took her for her 6 week clinic visit, the nurse commented that she thought something was wrong and referred her to Kenyatta National Hospital. Whilst there, my mother was informed that my sister had hydrocephalus which is a condition where there is the buildup of excess fluid in the cavities (ventricles) deep within the brain. That was a turning point in our family as a lot of medical interventions had to be done. Today, because of this early intervention, my sister is a normal productive member of society. In this article we will discuss how to cope when you get that gift that requires extra special care.

Down Syndrome

The first physician to diagnose and describe this syndrome was known as John Langdon Down and thus the condition was named Down syndrome.  This...
‘We change diapers!’ Meet the Hands-on Fathers

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy, also commonly referred to as CP, is a term that describes a group of disorders caused by damage to the brain. It...

Treatment Options for Cleft Lip and Palate

Since this condition is present at birth, the doctor will have a plan of treatment depending on the severity of the symptoms. These treatment...

Cleft Lip and Palate

Approximately 1 in every 500 Kenyan children is born with a cleft lip and/or cleft palate.  This congenital condition may lead to difficulty breathing,...

Spina Bifida

This largely means "cleft spine," and is characterized by the incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, and/or meninges (the protective covering around the...

Holiday Travel: Helpful tips for air travel with baby

In Kenya, planning for the holidays as new parents can seem daunting especially if you are travelling with your baby. Air travel seems to...


See a doctor if your baby’s temperature is higher or lower than the following normal ranges. You only need to check your baby’s temperature...

Quantity Guidelines when feeding an infant (0-6months)

Knowing what, when, and how to feed a child is essential. For normal development, it is excellent to have all the effective ways to...
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