Infant Massage

How To Massage

LEGS • Start with your baby’s legs as this is a non-invasive part of the body and you can keep good eye contact and make...
Colic Massage

When is Infant Massage not Appropriate?

Anytime your baby cries or is irritated, your first instinct will be to give a massage. If you do it well, the young one...
Infant Massage

What Is Infant Massage?

The systematic application of touch is called massage. Massage of a newborn can be done with or without a lubricant to reduce the friction...

Shaken Baby Syndrome

It’s common to see Kenyans shake a baby in an attempt to soothe or to make baby laugh. However, many don’t know that shaking...

Danger Signs to Look Out for After Vaccinations

From birth, babies are subjected to many vaccines that are administered all the way until they reach toddlerhood. In Kenya, most babies go through...
Bonding with Baby

Is Mother-Child Bonding Automatic After Delivery?

Babies are born ready to bond but that cannot be said of their mums who might experience a combination of feelings after delivery. It...
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