Infant Massage

How To Massage

LEGS • Start with your baby’s legs as this is a non-invasive part of the body and you can keep good eye contact and make...
Colic Massage

When is Infant Massage not Appropriate?

Anytime your baby cries or is irritated, your first instinct will be to give a massage. If you do it well, the young one...
Infant Massage

What Is Infant Massage?

The systematic application of touch is called massage. Massage of a newborn can be done with or without a lubricant to reduce the friction...

Safe Hygiene Practices for Baby’s Food

Your baby’s health is your greatest concern right now. Apart from sterilizing the utensils and every surface you place the baby on, you must...

Infant Attachment

Infant Attachment is the deep emotional attachment that your baby forms with you. This influences the later emotional, cognitive and social behaviour as they...

General Health Complications Associated with Pre-term Babies

Preterm babies are usually expected to have health complications associated with their early arrival. However, this is not always as the case as some...
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