
Your little one is home and parenting begins. As a parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. You notice when your baby smiles for the first time, rolls over, sits, walks and begins to talk. These moments mean that your child is learning!

Babies grow and develop quickly during their first year of life – everyday is a learning session. Here is a list of some things babies can do by 12 months of age. Remember that every baby is different. Your baby will develop at a rate that is right for him/her.

Vaccinations Special considerations

• Getting a jab is quite a scary time for most of us. To get your baby to have an easier time during vaccinations...

Features of a Good Diaper Bag

A diaper bag is a storage bag with many pocket-like spaces that is big enough to carry everything needed by someone taking care of...


It is exciting and funny to see your little one trying to figure out how to move from point A to B. He may...

Feeding and Burping the Baby

Whether feeding your newborn by breast or a bottle, it is recommended that babies be fed on demand whenever they seem hungry. The baby...

Cuts and Scrapes

No matter how careful you’re as a parent, it’s impossible to protect your child from cuts and scrapes. Children are naturally adventurous and playful,...

Your Newborn’s Face and Head

Right after the baby was placed in her arms, she whispered, "My baby really has a funny shaped head." After birth, your little one may...

How to Encourage Your Baby to Talk

As you bond with your baby in the first months, you’ll start hoping he can talk back. You will eagerly look forward to the...

Spina Bifida

This largely means "cleft spine," and is characterized by the incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord, and/or meninges (the protective covering around the...

Iron Deficiency

One of the worrying trends that seem to be arising is babies who are being found to be anaemic by the end of their...

Tips for dads travelling with infants

Typically, infants in Kenya often travel with their mum or both parents but there are always exceptions to this norm. It is common to...

Benefits of Quality Sleep

When concerned about your baby’s sleeping habits, some may call you paranoid, overly worried, may advice you to relax and let the baby grow,...

Undescended Testicles

The testicles are the two organs that hang in a pouch-like skin sac (the scrotum) below the penis. Normal testicles form when the baby...

Common weaning problems

Weaning is a learning experience for most mothers - and it often becomes a time when mums learn more about their baby. It is...
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