
Your little one is home and parenting begins. As a parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. You notice when your baby smiles for the first time, rolls over, sits, walks and begins to talk. These moments mean that your child is learning!

Babies grow and develop quickly during their first year of life – everyday is a learning session. Here is a list of some things babies can do by 12 months of age. Remember that every baby is different. Your baby will develop at a rate that is right for him/her.

Cleft Lip and Palate

Approximately 1 in every 500 Kenyan children is born with a cleft lip and/or cleft palate.  This congenital condition may lead to difficulty breathing,...

Texture Transition guide

The most suitable consistency for an infant's or young child's food depends on age and neuromuscular development of the jaws. Beginning at 6 months, an...

Unsafe Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Baby

As your baby grows, you introduce more solid foods, fruits, and snacks to the diet. Your child is learning to eat, so; the two...

Safe Hygiene Practices for Baby’s Food

Your baby’s health is your greatest concern right now. Apart from sterilizing the utensils and every surface you place the baby on, you must...
Bonding with Baby

Is Mother-Child Bonding Automatic After Delivery?

Babies are born ready to bond but that cannot be said of their mums who might experience a combination of feelings after delivery. It...
Visitors after Baby Kenya

Visitors at Home

Once you get home, you will be busy settling in and bonding with your little one. Bonding occurs during the sensitive time in the...

What is a Growth Chart?

The first 2 years of your baby’s life are the most important for your child’s brain development, which shapes their well-being for the rest...

Common weaning problems

Weaning is a learning experience for most mothers - and it often becomes a time when mums learn more about their baby. It is...

Vaccinations Special considerations

• Getting a jab is quite a scary time for most of us. To get your baby to have an easier time during vaccinations...

Things you must pack in your Diaper Bag

The diaper bag is a must-have for every mom.  Here are some of the essentials of a diaper bag Diapers and wipes: Pack more...

Tracking your Baby’s Progress

Your baby’s motor development is an individual process. Infants usually acquire motor skills in the same order, but the rate at which they achieve...

What is a Growth Chart?

The first 2 years of your baby’s life are the most important for your child’s brain development, which shapes their well-being for the rest...
Newborn Behaviour

Identifying Infant Behaviour Cues

Behaviour cues refer to the signs that infants give to tell you what they need. Engagement Cues that your baby is ready to interact with...
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