Sex Positions

Kenyan girls have often asked me “Is there a right way to perform sexual intercourse to increase your chance of getting pregnant?” As a rule of thumb – regardless of where you are from – conception can occur any time semen comes in contact with the vaginal area.

Sex Positions and Trying to Conceive

Are there certain sex positions that increase your chances for conception? You will hear this question many times among women. Well, from a scientific...

Fertility Treatment Options 2

SURGERY  Before getting surgery, insist on an appropriate infertility work­up for both partners before proceeding with surgery. This is to ensure that you do not...

Trying For a Baby After Pregnancy Loss: What You Need To Know

For many Kenyan mums that have gone through a miscarriage, the thought of trying for another baby is scary for the most part. There...

Infections and Infertility in Kenya

Infertility is often the last thing on the mind of couples in Kenya that are trying to get pregnant. In most cases, delayed conception...
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