Induction of Labour

It has been an exciting journey and it is now coming to an end. You are 40 weeks and everyone keeps asking …not yet? Sometimes your baby seems to just enjoy being inside and is in no hurry to come and your care provider might then decide to induce you.

Induction of Labour.Risks and Benefits

Methods of Induction of Labour

Sweeping of the Membranes Sweeping of the membrane involves your health care provider performing a vaginal examination and placing a finger just inside your cervix...
Induction of Labour.Risks and Benefits

The Risks and Benefits of Induction of Labour

If someone invented a risk-free and painless method of giving birth today, women would give everything they have to get it. Labor is extremely...

Can sex at the end of pregnancy bring on labour?

The onset of labour is usually an anxious yet exciting time for soon to be mums as they look forward to having their babies....
Induction of Labour.Risks and Benefits

Induction of Labour

Induction of labour occurs when your doctor uses medicine to start your labour for you instead of waiting for it to begin on its...

Forceps, Vacuum Extraction and Episiotomy

There are a couple of common pregnancy and labour procedures that are done in Kenya. They include Forceps, Vacuum Extraction and Episiotomy. Forceps Forceps are...

Wardrobe basics for First time mums

The pregnancy journey is quite exciting for any first-time mum as you have no idea of the changes to expect as you await your...


Lochia is normal after giving birth. It helps your body get rid of extra blood and tissue in your uterus that helped your baby...
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