Common weaning problems


Weaning is a learning experience for most mothers – and it often becomes a time when mums learn more about their baby. It is common to find mums in different online forums seeking information on the best way to wean their babies and solutions to problems they are facing. Some of the common problems they face while weaning and their solutions are highlighted below:

Baby gagging on food

As a mother seeing your baby gag while eating can make you panic, but this is normal and should not worry you too much. Gagging is the body’s way of preventing them from choking on food as they learn to eat food with some form of texture. To help make the transition for your baby easier, change the texture of their food gradually so that they get used to it over time.

Baby won’t eat from a spoon

In most Kenyan households, babies are weaned using spoons as they transition to eating with their hands and spoon on their own. However, there are times when they turn their heads when a spoon is brought to their mouth leaving many mums frustrated. If you are in such a situation it may be because the spoon being used is hurting their gums, or the spoon is overloaded or they have not finished the food in their mouth.

Baby rejects a new food

If your baby has been eating well but suddenly rejects any new food or solids altogether, it may be for a number of reasons. The most common reason is an illness but if ruled out after a visit to the doctor, it may be due to a variety of reasons. Most times, babies reject food because it is cold or too hot, bitter taste, teething and tiredness among others. In some cases, you may have to try up to six times before they accept to eat new food.
Click here to download our solids feeding guide and notes for Mum when introducing complementary foods