It is said that a good name is worth more than rubies! Our Baby names section will help you find great Baby Names for your little one, both the origin of the name and its meaning. Because new Baby names keep coming up every day, we'd love to hear from you if your baby has a unique could get selected for a giveaway if you submit it!
Infant Massage

How To Massage

LEGS • Start with your baby’s legs as this is a non-invasive part of the body and you can keep good eye contact and make...

Nursing the Umbilical Cord and Circumcision Wounds

An infant is delicate and the thought of a wound on them can be challenging especially to the first-time mother. However, nursing an umbilical...

Feeding baby when they are unwell

The early years are sometimes often plagued by a number of ailments that affect the little ones, whether it’s that cold, a bout of...
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