How to involve your partner in the stages of labour


The days of dads in Kenya being informed of the delivery of their babies via phone call or text are quickly fading away. Soon-to-be dads are increasingly going into the labour room with their partners at their request or by their own decision. It is common to find them researching labour and areas in which they can offer support to ease the pain for their partners. Fortunately, there are a number of ways through which they can get involved to make the stages of labour much easier.

• First Stage

At this stage, the contractions are far apart and not too intense with most pregnant women alternating between excitement and nervousness about the final delivery. To offer support, ask your partner to help you get into comfortable positions to help manage the contractions. They can also be a great distraction by offering encouragement and also engaging in light conversation to get your mind off the timing of contractions as labour progresses.

• Second Stage

This stage is often referred to as “active labour” as the contractions begin to get more intense making it harder for her to concentrate. Many pregnant women complain of backaches at this stage with most partners offering a massage to help ease the pressure. If your partner is in the labour room you can ask them to offer you a sip of water regularly as your lips will get dry and they need to remain moist.

• Third Stage

This is considered to be the final stage where she is fully dilated and has the urge to push the baby out. Most mums need words of encouragement and help with breathing exercises as she prepares for the final delivery. When it is time to push, allow her to squeeze your hands to relieve some of the pain and encourage her to relax and rest between contractions until the baby is finally delivered.