Common Complaints after Delivery

1. Back and Pelvic Pain

One of the most common complaints that you hear from new mums is, “I have a backache!” It is important to get treatment if the problem persists. But here are a few tips on how to ease this pain.

• Apply an ice pack for 15 minutes when you have sharp pain. A loose pack of frozen vegetables works well.
• Apply heat to the painful area for 15 minutes. You can use a hot water bottle.
• Have someone massage sore muscles.
• Do the pelvic floor exercises.
• Ensure good posture when standing or sitting.
• Avoid sitting cross-legged or standing on one leg with hip jutting out.
• Avoid bending and twisting at the same time.
• Use good body mechanics – bend from the knees and hips, not your back.
• When lifting something, squeeze and lift your pelvic floor muscles up and in, pull your low abdominal muscles inward. Keep your low back in a neutral posture that is not too flat or arched.
• Hold your baby or other objects as close to your body as possible
• During breastfeeding, sit straight and tall and bring your baby to the breast, do not lean into your baby. Support your baby during feeding with the Baby Banda Nursing pillow.
• Ensure your diaper bag is not too heavy. Carry only what you need.

2. Extreme Fatigue or Postpartum Fatigue

Caring for a newborn can be exhausting for a new mother. The lack of sleep coupled with the new challenges that come with a new baby may lead to you feeling very exhausted. Some of the causes include:

• Changing hormone levels
• Discomfort
• Anaemia
• Overstimulation
• Psychological adjustments
• Unsupportive environment
• Insecurity
• Colicky or fussy baby

Tips to help with fatigue include:

• Sleep when your baby sleeps. Taking advantage of sleeping when your baby is asleep or taking  “power” naps will help with alertness, motor performance and muscle memory.
• Breastfeed your baby. Studies show that breastfeeding is a natural sedative and your baby sleeps better.
• Express some milk. You can express your milk and have your partner feed the baby at one of the night feeds. This allows you to catch a few more hours of uninterrupted sleep.
• Optimal environment in your room. Make your bedroom a sleep haven. Turn off the phone, switch off the lights and close the curtains and try and relax.
• Accept help and don’t be a super-mom. Allow other people to help you with the baby, bathing, feeding, changing diapers etc
• Take care of yourself. Eat well, hydrate yourself, get a bit of exercise and look good by doing simple grooming like your hair, pedicure, manicure etc. If you look good, you will feel good.