Hi, I think my three weeks son has stomach gas, is there anything I can do to ease the pain?

Hi, I think my three weeks son has stomach gas, is there anything I can do to ease the pain?

1 Answers

Due to the baby’s immature but growing gut, it takes a while before things become regular, when a baby is on breast milk only it is normal for them not to poop every day and some may take up to 8 days. However, since she is gassy, it could come from the effect of the foods that you are consuming and passing on through breast milk. Try and minimise on the following foods wheat, citric fruits e.g. oranges, Legumes, cabbage, nuts and too much dairy. You can also take dill seeds tea with chamomile that aids in the bowel movement. Gently massage the baby’s tummy and do bicycle push up to help mechanical movement of the poop. Read more about the colic massage via our site https://www.motherhood101.co.ke/weaning-meal-plans-kenyan-mums/