my baby doesn’t want to eat any of the foods

Hello, my baby is 2 years and 1 month old and he doesn’t want to eat any of the foods I give him. What foods would you recommend to me to feed him? Please help.

1 Answers

Showing independence is part of normal toddler development and this often includes refusing to eat foods to see what will happen. Rejecting a food does not always mean the child does not like it. Here are some tips to encourage your toddler to eat.
• Eat the same meal together.
• Offer him a variety of healthy foods.
• Stick to a routine.
• Serve some foods he can eat with his hands.
• Serve foods separately.
• Have him sit down comfortably.
• Turn off the TV and put away toys.
• Let him eat slowly.

Offer many small meals rather than big amounts. Toddlers tend to snack more and this would usually meet their nutritional demands as long as these are healthy snacks e.g crackers, cheese slices, dry cereal, muesli with dried fruits, cheese cubes, milk, fortified fruit juice, or mini sandwiches on whole grain bread.