Newborn sleep

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My baby, one month old, vomits through her nose and mouth after feeding. What are the best sleeping positions for newborns?

1 Answers

Congratulations to the birth of your little one. The spitting up that your baby is doing is known as reflux. Please do mention this to your doctor for close monitoring to ensure that your baby has consistent weight gain and is not spitting up too much milk.
It is advisable to raise a baby’s head slightly when sleeping to avoid milk reflux. This is when the milk that your baby has swallowed comes back up her food pipe (oesophagus). Babies’ tender digestive systems are not fully developed so they burp easily and milk quickly spills out after a feed. When lying flat, this may cause choking. Baby Banda’s Baby Set comes with a small infant pillow and a back rest. You can use the small pillow to raise baby’s head. We advice that you put the small pillow under the cot sheet so that it is a seamless raise. Further the back rest can be used to support your baby when they are sleeping on their side.
Avoid putting your baby to sleep on her tummy as healthy babies placed to sleep on the back are less likely to choke on vomit than tummy sleeping infants.