Things you must pack in your Diaper Bag


The diaper bag is a must-have for every mom.  Here are some of the essentials of a diaper bag

  • Diapers and wipes: Pack more than enough diapers for your trip –newborn babies may need a lot of changes even while you are on a short trip. Carry baby wipes to clean the baby.
  • Baby Banda Changing Mat: You will need changing pads if you are going out as you will definitely not want to lay your newborn on the changing table in a public washroom.
  • Change of clothes and bibs: Make sure you always have extra clothes, bibs and socks in the diaper bag. Carry an adequate number of spare clothes depending on the length of your trip as newborns may need several changes of clothes even on a short trip (the diaper may leak, the baby may vomit and so on).
  • Feeding Bottle and Milk: If your baby has started complementary feeding, carry enough bottles, and other feeding accessories that you think you will need (flask with warm water). Remember to pack in your Baby Banda nursing cover if your baby is on breastfeeding.
  • Hand Sanitizer, Liquid Soap and Plastic Bags: Keep things to clean up if your newborn gets messy. In case you are in a place where it is inconvenient to wash hands with soap and water, a hand sanitizer is what will save the day for you. You should also carry a few plastic bags for storing dirty diapers when there is no wastebasket in the vicinity. You can also use the bags to store wet and dirty clothes.
  • Diaper cream or ointment: It’s a good idea to carry around a tube of ointment or cream to use as a layer of protection to help to prevent diaper rash from developing — or to soothe your baby’s bottom in case one develops
  • Baby Banda Nursing cover: For breastfeeding in public, these fabric drapes cover your chest and give more privacy than the basic blanket-over-the-shoulder approach