What is SIDS? How can it be prevented?


SIDS is short for ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,’ and most people know it as ‘cot death.’ It refers to the sudden, unexpected death of a baby from no known cause.

SIDS is one of the causes of death in babies between one month and one year old. However, we can significantly lower the risk of SIDS by taking a few precautions.

Who is at risk?

  • Babies whose mothers smoke during pregnancy and after the baby is born. Such a habit increases the chances of sudden infant death.
  • Exposing the little one to passive smoking is equally dangerous. Hence, ensure that nobody uses cigarettes, weed, or sheesha close to the little one.
  • Children whose moms give birth for the first time before their twentieth birthday
  • Babies who sleep on their stomachs and those with soft and uneven mattresses can easily block the airwaves, thus endangering the baby.
  • Those born prematurely or with very little weight
  • If you don’t attend prenatal clinics, you risk losing the child to SIDS.
  • Children born in families with a history of SIDS
  • Infants who share the same bed with their siblings, relatives, parents, or pets
  • Babies with brain defects or respiratory complications are also at risk of SIDS.

Here are a few precautions that you can take:

  • Put your baby to sleep on his/her back. Healthy babies placed to sleep on the back are less likely to choke on vomit than tummy sleeping infants. Only put your baby on tummy time when the baby is awake, and you are present.
  • Ensure that your baby’s face is uncovered during sleep, and the temperature in the room is not too high.
  • Ensure blankets are tucked in securely on the bed. Avoid loose and fluffy beddings.
  • Make sure you clear all toys and stuffed animals from the cot before laying your child to sleep.
  • Kindly invest in a firm mattress for your baby. Remove the plastic covering from the mattress and ensure that it fits the cot perfectly to avoid the face being trapped in the spaces.
  • Dress the child in well-fitting clothes
  • Keep checking on the baby as he/she sleeps.

How to choose a baby cot mattress

  • Go for a firm, well-fitting, and waterproof mattress.
  • It should be easy to clean.
  • If you don’t have one that is waterproof, buy a good mattress cover.
  • It should be anti-allergens and breathable, so check whether the fiber used to make the mattress is baby-safe.

SIDS diagnosis

Unfortunately, this condition can only be diagnosed when the baby is already dead. That’s why everyone involved in taking care of the little one should do so carefully.

Final Thoughts

The first step to preventing sudden infant death syndrome is attending prenatal clinics and avoiding cigarettes and other drugs when pregnant. Losing a baby after birth is painful. So, if you can avoid it, please do. Also, make sure your child sleeps on his/her back, no pets and toys in the bed, and don’t cover the head.