Sex After Delivery


For most new mums getting back to sex after the lapse of the six-week window given by doctors is a bit scary. In most cases, it will take more time than expected to get back to a regular sex life even if the delivery was a vaginal birth. It is therefore important to know what to expect so that you and your partner can plan in advance on the best way to handle sex issues post-pregnancy.

Common ways childbirth affects your sexual life

• Sex will not feel the same

Most times vaginal birth will leave the muscles around the area stretched out for a certain time period. In that time, you are likely to feel different when having sex but this will get better once the vagina gets back into shape. To make the process happen faster consider doing kegel exercises to help strengthen the pelvic bones.

• Sex can be painful

If you had an episiotomy or tear which needed stitches then you are likely to feel sore during sex. Also, vaginal dryness is common in women that have given birth due to breastfeeding making it important to use lubrication and take care not to put any pressure on the area that was stitched during sex. However, if the pain does not disappear over time, it is advisable to visit a doctor.

• Sex will make you more conscious of your body

Your body will take time to get back to its previous size which can make one body-conscious especially when it comes to sex. It is important to discuss your reservations with your partner so that they can be reassuring and supportive as you work to feel better about your appearance.