Food Groups and Servings for Postpartum Women


What you eat after childbirth determines the quality of milk you give to your baby if you chose to breastfeed. If not, you need a healthy diet so your body can heal and get in shape.

Moreover, you can produce enough milk and have a great body at the same time. So, what food should you eat after giving birth?


Foods groups

Cereals and Grains 

You need food that is rich in fiber to promote bowel movement for both you and your baby. Failing to do that leads to bloating and constipation. Check your postpartum nutrition handout, and you will see how much experts emphasize on cereals and grains.

You can consider the following: bread, rice, wimbi, sorghum, ugali, oats, and other nutritious breakfast cereals

 Fruits and Vegetables

Choose a diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Fill most of your plate with fruits and vegetables during mealtime and when you snack. Even your first meal after giving birth should contain a good serving on vitamins A, B, and C.

This food group aids in healing and getting your shape back. However, avoid those fruits that give you gas and acid reflux. Remember, you pass what you eat to the baby to avoid having a baby who is struggling with gas and acidity.


You also know them as bodybuilding foods. Whether you chose plant-based or animal proteins, the bottom line is that you must include them in your diet.

Familiar sources of proteins are milk, meat, and legumes. Your baby needs to grow, and your body wants to heal. Nevertheless, you don’t want to overdo it; then, the little one develops terrible reactions.


Take a lot of water and avoid caffeinated drinks. Water will leave the two of you with glowing skin. In case you opt to take juices, avoid the canned and processed ones.

Breastfeeding leaves you dehydrated, especially when you have a heavy feeder. Therefore, you must make deliberate efforts to drink water and juices.

Food to avoid postpartum

Kindly note that you should avoid alcohol, smoking and junk food. If you feel that the fish in your area contains high mercury levels, don’t eat it. You might harm your baby’s developing brain. Did you also know that babies hate the smell and taste of garlic in breastmilk?


Servings for Postpartum

Now that you know what type of food to eat after giving birth, how many plates should you have? Some women will stuff themselves with food all day long, thinking that the more they eat, the more the milk.

Nevertheless, the number of servings from each food group recommended for a postpartum woman differs slightly, depending on:

  • Age
  • Body type
  • Activity level (calories)
  • Weight before pregnancy
  • Weight gained during pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding status (whether you’re breastfeeding or not)

Final thoughts

You know what food you should eat after giving birth. Your goal should be to heal and to nourish the baby. So, have a balanced diet and plenty of fluids, and incorporate light exercise where possible.