Best breathing exercises to do when in labour


For many pregnant women in Kenya, the thought of going into labour is frightening with a majority getting frightened and panicking when it begins. Unfortunately, panic breathing results in reduced oxygen for the mum-to-be and baby leading to exhaustion and lack of energy, which are all needed to push the baby during delivery. It is for this reason that pregnant women are advised to use relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises to ensure that they conserve energy for themselves and the baby during labour.

Breathing techniques may work differently from one pregnant woman to another, but some have proven to be effective for many women and are easy to learn and execute.
Some of these simple breathing exercises include:

• Counted breathing

This breathing exercise requires you to count slowly until you reach a certain number, preferably three or four. For example, you will need to breathe in and count to number three and then let it out while counting to number four or vice versa. This technique is ideal for the early stages of labour when labour pain is not very intense.

• Nose to mouth breathing

This breathing technique focuses on breathing in through the nose and sighing softly when letting out your breath. It is a common technique, with many women preferring to make sounds when breathing out to help them handle contractions better. However, some mums in labour choose to remain silent and focus solely on their breathing.

• Rhythmic breathing

Although most breathing exercises follow a certain pattern, this technique ensures that the length as well depth of your breathing remains the same. For it to be effective, you need to listen to the regular pattern of your breathing to help you inhale and exhale appropriately during labour.