How to sleep train your baby

How to Sleep Train your Baby

In Africa and Kenya in particular, our culture influences how we train our babies to sleep.  Most of us soothe our babies and will...

How to Establish Routines for your Baby

You’re not the only mum that wants to know how to create a successful bedtime routine for the baby. All mothers want that. Oh,...

Fluid Intake for Babies

Infants & children are at greater risk for dehydration because of their age. You should ensure that your baby is having enough fluids each...

Transitioning to Solids

Please note Start by offering food 2-3 times a day. To ensure that your baby gets enough iron, aim for at least 120 mL...

Tips for dads travelling with infants

Typically, infants in Kenya often travel with their mum or both parents but there are always exceptions to this norm. It is common to...
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