
Your little one is home and parenting begins. As a parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. You notice when your baby smiles for the first time, rolls over, sits, walks and begins to talk. These moments mean that your child is learning!

Babies grow and develop quickly during their first year of life – everyday is a learning session. Here is a list of some things babies can do by 12 months of age. Remember that every baby is different. Your baby will develop at a rate that is right for him/her.

Is my baby ready to start on solids?

The staple typical Kenyan weaning dish seems to be porridge, pumpkin and spinach. But, is this a balanced meal? The most important concern during...

Your Newborn’s Face and Head

Right after the baby was placed in her arms, she whispered, "My baby really has a funny shaped head." After birth, your little one may...

Common Questions on Newborn Care II

1. My baby has swollen eyes with yellow discharge, what should I do? This is usually caused by a blocked tear duct. Improper draining of...
Newborn Behaviour

Identifying Infant Behaviour Cues

Behaviour cues refer to the signs that infants give to tell you what they need. Engagement Cues that your baby is ready to interact with...

Infant Attachment

Infant Attachment is the deep emotional attachment that your baby forms with you. This influences the later emotional, cognitive and social behaviour as they...

Head Injuries

What to do if your child falls: 1. Console your baby. Stay calm and don’t panic. This will help your child calm down so you can...
Bonding with Baby

Bonding With Your Baby: Its Importance and Ways of Bonding

Majority of first-time mothers look forward to having an immediate bond with their baby after delivery. Some mums get to experience deep attachment to...

Basic guide to travelling with multiple children in Kenya

Travelling with children by road in a personal car or using public means needs careful planning if the trip is to be enjoyable for...
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