
Your little one is home and parenting begins. As a parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. You notice when your baby smiles for the first time, rolls over, sits, walks and begins to talk. These moments mean that your child is learning!

Babies grow and develop quickly during their first year of life – everyday is a learning session. Here is a list of some things babies can do by 12 months of age. Remember that every baby is different. Your baby will develop at a rate that is right for him/her.

Weaning meal plans for Kenyan mums

When mums begin weaning in Kenya, many start their babies off with porridge which is easy to prepare and often fed using a spoon....

Allergies in Babies

When I was a little girl, I wondered why my skin looked rough, and was constantly itchy.  I envied my friends’ smooth skin that...

Shaken Baby Syndrome

It’s common to see Kenyans shake a baby in an attempt to soothe or to make baby laugh. However, many don’t know that shaking...

Liver: When is the best time to introduce it in your baby’s menu?

Animal liver is an important food for babies because of preformed Vitamin A which contributes to the development of the immune system, eyes and...

Holiday Travel: Helpful tips for air travel with baby

In Kenya, planning for the holidays as new parents can seem daunting especially if you are travelling with your baby. Air travel seems to...

Texture Transition guide

The most suitable consistency for an infant's or young child's food depends on age and neuromuscular development of the jaws. Beginning at 6 months, an...

How do I feed my baby solids?

Now that your baby is taking solids, how do you go about feeding your baby? How do you actually get the food from the...

Important Tips to Consider when Travelling with your Baby

Travelling with your baby can be quite a daunting task but with good planning and preparation, you can have a fun-filled holiday with the...

My Baby: When do I see a Doctor?

As a new mum, sometimes it is hard to know when your baby is going through a normal phase or when there could be...

BATHING BASICS: Baths & Sponge baths

You should give your baby a bath preferably once a day to allow him/her to relax unless otherwise advised by a doctor. You'll need the...

BATHING BASICS: Baths & Sponge baths

You should give your baby a bath preferably once a day to allow him/her to relax unless otherwise advised by a doctor. You'll need the...

Treatment Options for Cleft Lip and Palate

Since this condition is present at birth, the doctor will have a plan of treatment depending on the severity of the symptoms. These treatment...

Is my baby ready to start on solids?

The staple typical Kenyan weaning dish seems to be porridge, pumpkin and spinach. But, is this a balanced meal? The most important concern during...
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