
Your little one is home and parenting begins. As a parent, you are the most important person in your child’s life. You notice when your baby smiles for the first time, rolls over, sits, walks and begins to talk. These moments mean that your child is learning!

Babies grow and develop quickly during their first year of life – everyday is a learning session. Here is a list of some things babies can do by 12 months of age. Remember that every baby is different. Your baby will develop at a rate that is right for him/her.

Overview of Survival Rate of Pre-term Babies in Kenya

Every year in Kenya, it is estimated that 188,000 are born preterm which is below thirty-seven weeks (Business Daily Africa, Rise in preterm births...

Your Newborn’s Face and Head

Right after the baby was placed in her arms, she whispered, "My baby really has a funny shaped head." After birth, your little one may...

Cuts and Scrapes

No matter how careful you’re as a parent, it’s impossible to protect your child from cuts and scrapes. Children are naturally adventurous and playful,...

Nursing the Umbilical Cord and Circumcision Wounds

An infant is delicate and the thought of a wound on them can be challenging especially to the first-time mother. However, nursing an umbilical...

Quantity Guidelines when feeding an infant (0-6months)

Knowing what, when, and how to feed a child is essential. For normal development, it is excellent to have all the effective ways to...

Common Questions on Newborn Care

Newborn cleaning and grooming 1. How should I care for my baby's genitals? • Change diapers regularly. • Change any stool diaper immediately to avoid a diaper...
‘We change diapers!’ Meet the Hands-on Fathers

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy, also commonly referred to as CP, is a term that describes a group of disorders caused by damage to the brain. It...
Nutritional Requirements

Nutritional Requirements

Complementary foods should provide sufficient energy, protein and micronutrients to cover a child's energy and nutrient gaps so that together with breast milk, they...
First Aid for Babies

Importance of Attending First Aid Training for Kenyan Parents

If your baby begins to choke or to have breathing difficulties, would you know what to do? Many parents in Kenya would quickly rush...

Common Questions on Newborn Care II

1. My baby has swollen eyes with yellow discharge, what should I do? This is usually caused by a blocked tear duct. Improper draining of...

How do I feed my baby solids?

Now that your baby is taking solids, how do you go about feeding your baby? How do you actually get the food from the...
Bonding with Baby

Is Mother-Child Bonding Automatic After Delivery?

Babies are born ready to bond but that cannot be said of their mums who might experience a combination of feelings after delivery. It...
First aid tips

Basic First Aid Tips for First Time Parents in Kenya

For most new parents keeping their baby healthy and safe is a priority whether at home or outdoors. In most cases, they invest in...
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