Pre-term Babies

One morning I woke up and felt a sharp pain on my side.  At first I thought it was just the usual pains and aches that come during pregnancy.  However, the pain persisted and seemed to increase in intensity and by that evening, my husband and I decided to go see my doctor.  On reaching her clinic, she asked me to go to the hospital for some tests and it was a bit of a shock to find that she had followed close behind.  She then told us that she had to do an emergency C-section as she thought that my life was in danger.  I was confused and shocked as I was only 32 weeks and I was crying that she could not remove the baby as it was too early.  I am now glad that she insisted as it turns out, I had an impending uterine rapture and because of her quick response both my baby and I were safe.  My daughter is now a vibrant and happy 6 year old, and though she was born so tiny, she caught up at some point.

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Newborn Behaviour

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