What to Include in Your Home First Aid Kit for Baby

Babies are delicate beings that need a lot of care and attention as they grow up and become independent. However, taking good care of...

Nursing the Umbilical Cord and Circumcision Wounds

An infant is delicate and the thought of a wound on them can be challenging especially to the first-time mother. However, nursing an umbilical...

Handling a Newborn

After you deliver your baby, you now have a new responsibility, which is taking care of your newborn. Your baby looks so fragile and...

Head Injuries

What to do if your child falls: 1. Console your baby. Stay calm and don’t panic. This will help your child calm down so you can...

What is SIDS? How can it be prevented?

SIDS is short for ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,’ and most people know it as ‘cot death.’ It refers to the sudden, unexpected death of...

Baby Sleeping Habits

Babies will actually sleep about 16 hours or more! Newborns typically sleep for periods of 3-4 hours. Don't expect your little one to sleep...

Diapering Essentials

As you prepare to receive your baby, you and your partner have to make critical decisions concerning the baby. For instance, you need to...

Things you must pack in your Diaper Bag

The diaper bag is a must-have for every mom.  Here are some of the essentials of a diaper bag Diapers and wipes: Pack more...
Postpartum Complaints

Common Ailments

Colds and other illnesses Babies can get colds just like the rest of us. A cold is caused by a virus and usually results in...

Prevention of Jaundice

Have you ever seen small babies with yellow eyes? Do you know why Kenyan mothers are encouraged to expose their little ones to the...
Guide to Choosing the Best Children's Hospitals in Kenya

Guide to Choosing the Best Children’s Hospitals in Kenya

The Best Children's Hospitals in Kenya. A comprehensive Guide on Factors to consider when choosing a hospital for your child. Your child is the best...

Down Syndrome

The first physician to diagnose and describe this syndrome was known as John Langdon Down and thus the condition was named Down syndrome.  This...
Bonding with Baby

Bonding With Your Baby: Its Importance and Ways of Bonding

Majority of first-time mothers look forward to having an immediate bond with their baby after delivery. Some mums get to experience deep attachment to...
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