Salt in Baby’s Food

Dietary salt is an inorganic compound consisting of sodium and chloride ions. It is found naturally in many foods or added to foods because...

Liver: When is the best time to introduce it in your baby’s menu?

Animal liver is an important food for babies because of preformed Vitamin A which contributes to the development of the immune system, eyes and...

Iron Deficiency

One of the worrying trends that seem to be arising is babies who are being found to be anaemic by the end of their...

Is my baby ready to start on solids?

The staple typical Kenyan weaning dish seems to be porridge, pumpkin and spinach. But, is this a balanced meal? The most important concern during...

Helpful notes for Mum when weaning baby

Login to view content Start by offering food 2-3 times a day. To ensure that your baby gets enough iron, aim for at least...

Solids Feeding Guide

Solid foods should add to, not replace, breast milk or commercial iron-fortified infant formula, which are nutritionally superior for young babies. Let your baby’s...

Texture Transition guide

The most suitable consistency for an infant's or young child's food depends on age and neuromuscular development of the jaws. Beginning at 6 months, an...

Weaning meal plans for Kenyan mums

When mums begin weaning in Kenya, many start their babies off with porridge which is easy to prepare and often fed using a spoon....

How do I feed my baby solids?

Now that your baby is taking solids, how do you go about feeding your baby? How do you actually get the food from the...

Reasons your Baby is Suddenly Rejecting Solids

In Kenya, many mothers complain of their struggle to get their baby to eat solid food at the age of seven to eight months....

Common Complaints after Delivery

1. Back and Pelvic Pain One of the most common complaints that you hear from new mums is, "I have a backache!" It is important...

Getting Pregnant for HIV-Discordant Couples in Kenya

According to the Kenya Aids Indicator Survey 2012, there are an estimated 260,000 discordant couples in Kenya. These couples who can also be referred...

How to Establish Routines for your Baby

You’re not the only mum that wants to know how to create a successful bedtime routine for the baby. All mothers want that. Oh,...
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