
Commonly known as the ‘second stage’, the final push that brings forth your baby starts a new chapter in your life as you are finally separated from your baby.  This begins a period of recovery and adjusting to the new change in your life.

Child Birth Preparation .Choosing Where to Deliver / Give Birth

Questions to ask your Childbirth Care Provider

Once you discover that you’re pregnant, the next step is to choose a healthcare provider to walk the journey with you. Now, how do...
Baby after birth

What Happens to Your Baby after Birth?

Most pregnant women only think about labour and birth. However, once your baby is finally born, there are several procedures that are followed soon...

The Delivery Experience

From that first contraction to the final push, here's a summary of what to expect during labour and delivery. Your cervix will open to about...
Post Partum Depression

The Postpartum Period

The time after you give birth is a time of great emotional upheaval, a mixture of great joy and love yet at the same...

Wardrobe basics for First time mums

The pregnancy journey is quite exciting for any first-time mum as you have no idea of the changes to expect as you await your...
Induction of Labour.Risks and Benefits

Induction of Labour

Induction of labour occurs when your doctor uses medicine to start your labour for you instead of waiting for it to begin on its...
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