Post Partum Depression

The Postpartum Period

The time after you give birth is a time of great emotional upheaval, a mixture of great joy and love yet at the same...


Lochia is normal after giving birth. It helps your body get rid of extra blood and tissue in your uterus that helped your baby...
Recovery after child birth

Common Questions on Recovery after Childbirth

A lot happens in the first few days after the birth of your child. Below are some of the questions mums ask about recovery...

Common Complaints after Delivery

1. Back and Pelvic Pain One of the most common complaints that you hear from new mums is, "I have a backache!" It is important...
Unhappiness after Childbirth . The Self Assessment Tool

Unhappiness after Childbirth . The Self Assessment Tool

Unhappiness after Childbirth is a common occurrence among mothers. This is the best Self Assessment Tool for Childbirth happiness. It is important to keep track...

Sex After Delivery

For most new mums getting back to sex after the lapse of the six-week window given by doctors is a bit scary. In most...
Child Birth Preparation .Choosing Where to Deliver / Give Birth

Questions to ask your Childbirth Care Provider

Once you discover that you’re pregnant, the next step is to choose a healthcare provider to walk the journey with you. Now, how do...
Vaginal Birth after C Section

Having A Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC)?

Yes, you can. Women who have had a baby through caesarian can still deliver naturally. Nevertheless, you need to have a long talk with...
Preparing For Labour : Childbirth Preparation

Preparing For Labour : Childbirth Preparation

Preparing For Labour: Childbirth Preparation a detailed guide, comprehensively done on what to and not to do before childbirth Preparing For Labour: Childbirth Preparation Classes...
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