Causes of infertility in Kenyan men


In Kenya, it is common to find that women get blamed more than men for the inability to bear children. It is not unusual to find more women seeking help from doctors to help in conception with little or no support from their male partners. Even so, the knowledge that infertility also affects men has seen many of them get checked and receive treatment in good time.

Although infertility in males has a variety of causes, there are some that are quite common and they include:

• Drug and alcohol abuse

Regular intake of drugs in varying quantities can affect sperm production resulting in reduced sperms. It is advisable to keep off drugs even those that seem to help the body build muscle such as steroids. These drugs have the ability to shrink a man’s testicles resulting in decreased production while other drugs can reduce the quality of sperm. In cases where the drugs are combined with alcohol, it can lead to fertility problems especially when the drinking is excessive.

• Undescended testicles

The failure of testicles to descend into the scrotum during development in the womb is another cause of male infertility. Most men live through a major part of their life unaware of the abnormality until they begin trying to getting their partner pregnant. The condition is a common cause of infertility in a number of men in Kenya.

• Sexually Transmitted diseases (STDs)

STDs are common among sexually active men that do not use protection during intercourse with different partners. These diseases often transmit infections that negatively affect the production of sperm and their overall quality. However, in some cases, the results of the infections are permanent damage in a man’s testicles.