Everything You Should Have When Packing for Your Baby


Travelling with baby can traumatize you if you don’t pack the must-have items. What do you do when your baby starts to cry along the way for no reason that you can figure out? Even worse, if they get a slight fever, you know the baby is about to get uncontrollable.

The helpless feelings about a crying baby can be overwhelming and before you get to the next stop, you may feel like giving your baby away for some time to get the much needed peace of mind. So, when packing for your baby, have this list at hand

A.   Diaper bag checklist

Remember that babies do require a lot of stuff; hence the bag is an extension of the home. Depending on your child’s age, consider carrying:

  • Antibacterial wipes. Resist the temptation to try out new products on the way, thus carry what you usually use in the house.
  • Buy plastic bags for dirty clothes and diapers. In the absence of plastics, you can invest in zip lock bags. They’re cheap and re-usable.
  • Diapers. Never carry the exact number you need for the trip. There could be delays and other emergencies along the way.
  • Baby’s changing mat. Ensure that it is easy to clean and portable like the Baby Banda Changing Mat
  • Spare baby clothes. When packing for your baby, think of how many times you change his clothes in a day. That will give you an idea of the number of spares to carry.
  • Towel and burp cloths
  • A baby blanket.
  • Thermometer and fever reliever medication. Consult your doctor on the medicine.
  • Portable baby food warmer.
  • Pre-sterilized bottles
  • Baby food if your young one is eating solid foods already. In case of a short trip, you can ask your host to prepare the food for you.
  • Don’t forget mosquito repellent.
  • Age-appropriate toys for babies. You know how your baby is when he feels bored.
  • Travel documents if you intend to go out of the country.
  • Medical insurance card like NHIF
  • Drinking water if needed
  • Light nursing cover. You know how hard it is to get privacy in public places. Hence, the nursing cover comes in handy when breastfeeding in public. You can pick one from Baby Banda

At this point, you could be wondering how many bags you need for all this. Well, the best diaper bags have lots of pockets, so one is enough.

B.   The car list

Packing for your baby extends to the car. If you are using private means, you need to prepare the vehicle as well. Therefore, ensure you have:

  • A child safety seat. Kindly don’t fall for the temptation to let another family member carry the baby on their laps. You will be endangering your child. Also, remember that the baby seat goes to the back, and not at the co-driver’s seat.
  • Portable baby bed if you have one. You may not use it along the way but think of the sleeping arrangements at your destination.


Packing for your baby should be the first thing you do before you prepare any other bag, and if possible, do it a day before the trip. Having all the baby travel essentials will save you untold heartache and embarrassment.