Quantity Guidelines when feeding an infant (0-6months)


Knowing what, when, and how to feed a child is essential. For normal development, it is excellent to have all the effective ways to feed your baby at your fingertips.

The rule is that a child should feed on demand. Therefore, be on the lookout for signs that they are hungry. You don’t want a fussy baby.

Breast-feed or Bottle-feed?

Unless there are reasons to bottle-feed, breast milk is the best option for the little one. Feeding should commence one hour after birth. Different from a bottle-fed tot, a breastfed child needs more milk.

Breast milk is easily digested compared to formula. As a result, the baby gets hungry quickly. Additionally, in the first few days, you will need to establish a feeding program.  As such, you might be forced to wake up the baby and feed them.

However, once the schedule has been established, the baby will wake up and demand food. Most importantly, it would be best if you aim to breastfeed up to the sixth month. Breast milk contains essential nutrients needed for the normal development of your child. You can read more about the benefits of breastmilk here.

Your baby does not need water. Avoid the common diluted cow milk option-it is less nutritious. Moreover, cow milk might irritate your baby’s stomach.

Baby Feeding Schedule-Quantity and Frequency

Are you a new parent? Do not be surprised that your newborn is almost always hungry. A day-old infant’s stomach is usually the size of a marble. As such, they can accommodate 1 to 1.4 teaspoonful of milk at a time.

For this reason, the baby will need milk every 2 hours or so. Below is a feeding schedule. However, it is just a recommendation. Remember, every baby is unique. Furthermore, be keen on any feeding abnormalities. Trust your instincts.

0-2 Weeks

The baby will need 14.2 grams in the first few days. Then, you should increase the amount to 28.3 to 85.0 grams. The infant will need to be fed 7 to 9 times per 24 hours. No solid food, please. Also, do not give water.

2 Weeks-3 Months

You still need to breastfeed or give formula (in exceptional cases) only. The little one will need 56.7 to 113.4 grams per feeding. The frequency will be 7 to 9 times within 24 hours.

4-6 Months

At this age, the baby needs 113.4 to 226.8 grams every time they feed. Given that the tummy has stretched, the frequency of feeding reduces. They will feed around 6 times within 24 hours.


A healthy baby will get the necessary nutrients from breast milk or formula. Nonetheless, for low weight pre-term tots, supplements could be recommended. In such unique scenarios, the doctor will advise.


By now, you already have an idea about effective ways to feed your baby. We cannot wrap up without mentioning the importance of consistency. If someone else will be feeding the baby, ensure that they follow your schedule. Finally, do not wait until the baby cries. Look out for hunger cues and act accordingly.