Drug Abuse During Pregnancy


You have seen the government wage war on drugs and substance abuse in our country. Unfortunately, many female addicts find themselves pregnant. It’s also common to see pregnant women abusing drugs in today’s society.

If you feel that you cannot go for nine months without a cigarette, sheesha or alcohol, be honest with your doctor. You will get an amicable solution and support to wean you off the drugs safely.

Risks associated with taking drugs during pregnancy

For the mother

  • The increased demands the growing baby places on her can put her at significant risk of organ failure when drugs are added into the system.
  • The mother may have dangerous elevations of body temperature and convulsions.
  • Drugs increase the risk of having a miscarriage or stillbirth because they interfere with the expected growth and development of the fetus.
  • The expectant mother is likely to have premature labour and abnormal bleeding during the pregnancy or when giving birth.
  • The effects of drug abuse on the baby will affect you psychologically. You may end up with a severe case of postpartum depression.

Risks on the baby

Unfortunately, when a woman abuses drugs in pregnancy, the baby suffers more than the mother. You will see some of these effects from the moment the baby is born till adulthood.

  • Slowed motor skills and weakened memory. The child takes longer to process information, has a little attention span. Such a challenge can affect school work and future employment.
  • Poor muscle tone that may cause feeding problems, with poor coordination of suck and swallow.
  • Sudden changes in light or sound easily disrupt the baby.
  • Physical problems like low birth weight and prematurity.
  • Children whose mothers abuse drugs when pregnant are at risk of developing respiratory diseases, seizures and heart attacks.
  •  Infant behavioural problems like mood swings and irrational anger.
  •  The baby acts younger than their real age but may look older than expected. When you expose a fetus to drugs, then the child will develop slowly and not hit milestones when expected. For instance, he/she may take too long to walk and talk.

Withdrawal symptoms you will see on an infant

The newborn infant is born addicted and has to suffer withdrawal after birth. So look out for:

  1. High-pitched crying and irritability
  2. Abnormal sweating
  3. Tremors and reflexes.
  4. Weird skin colour
  5. Vomiting and diarrhoea.
  6. Fever and difficulty in breathing.

Most lethal drugs to avoid during pregnancy

  1. Cigarettes
  2. Alcohol
  3. Cocaine
  4. Sheesha
  5. Miraa
  6. Weed
  7. Crystal meth

If you take prescription medicine for any condition, let your doctor know at the onset of your prenatal clinics.


Kindly be honest with your doctor if you’re addicted to any of the drugs listed above. You don’t have to endanger your life and that of your baby when there are solutions.