Tiffany is seven months old and when she was 6 six months, developed a pimple at the back of her neck. It produced a clear fluid that burst on its own. Didn’t worry much then but it later emerged, but this time it was much bigger and somewhat had other pimples with it. We were advised by a clinician to stop giving her milk (she was taking pasteurized milk then) and was given some medication to take orally and a cream to apply on the sore. It dried up quickly and within a week disappeared completely. What might have caused the condition? Secondly what kind of supplement can be given to baby, as I have to go to work daily and don’t have enough milk to express for baby? I introduced baby to solid foods
The pimple could have been an adverse reaction to cow milk. The allergy should improve as she grows older. Give a balanced diet and get a suitable infant formula that will be easier on the baby. Do consult your doctor as well if the pimples continue