What are the healthy foods….

What are the healthy foods for a pregnant woman?

1 Answers

It is very important to eat a variety of foods before conception and during pregnancy.
• Aim for at least 6 portions vegetables and fruits per day (1 portion is equivalent to one fruit or half a cup of cooked vegetables).
• Unrefined carbohydrates, which includes whole wheat bread, breakfast cereal, potatoes, pasta and fruit.
• Dairy products such as fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese.
• Meat or meat substitutes such as lean red meat, chicken, fish, legumes and nuts.
• Good food sources of Vitamin A: mango, papaya, yellow sweet melon, apricots, sweet potatoes, spinach, fortified margarine, fortified milk, liver, kidneys (organ meat contains high levels of pre-formed Vitamin A and should be avoided during pregnancy).
• good food sources of Vitamin C: citrus fruit, kiwi fruit, guavas, strawberries, sweet melon, mango, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes.
• good food sources of Vitamin K: broccoli, liver, eggs, dairy products, cabbage, dark leafy vegetables and lettuce.
• good food sources of Iron: red meat, egg yolk, dried fruit, whole wheat products, nuts, legumes.
• good food sources of Folic acid: broccoli, wheat, dry beans, cabbage, asparagus, liver kidneys, eggs, lentils, yeast.
• Essential fatty acids
Two to three portions fatty fish per week during pregnancy should provide enough omega 3 fatty acids when you are pregnant.