1st Trimester (0-14 Weeks OR 1-3 Months)


The first trimester comes with the excitement and the niggling suspicion that you may be pregnant. There are many symptoms that may make you think that you may be pregnant and for most women, there is great joy when you finally confirm that you are pregnant. For most communities in Kenya, this 1st trimester is a closely guarded secret and most people will share the good news with friends and family much later when the pregnancy starts becoming obvious.

Changes in your body
  • Your menstrual periods will stop.
  • You may get morning sickness (feeling sick in the morning), nausea and/or vomiting at different times of the day.
  • Your need to urinate may increase.
  • You can enjoy the new cleavage as your breasts become larger and may feel tender.
  • Nipples enlarge, darken and may have raised bumps.
  • The womb (uterus) where the baby develops before birth may be felt above the pubic bone by 12th week.
  • You may feel very tired and need extra sleep.
  • You may start getting aversions to some foods, smells and even places.
  • It may not be obvious yet that you are expecting.
Changes in your baby
  • Your baby’s heartbeat can be heard with a special machine (Doppler machine) that picks up the heartbeat of a foetus at 8 to 12 weeks.
  • The face, arms, legs, fingers and toes start getting formed.
  • Brain, digestive and nervous systems are formed.
  • The Placenta (an organ that develops in your uterus when pregnant) is formed and sends blood, oxygen and nutrients to the foetus through the umbilical cord.
  • A thin-walled bag (amniotic sac) becomes the baby’s home. It is filled with fluid (amniotic fluid) to protect the growing baby (foetus). When your water breaks, the sac (bag of water) empties this fluid.