Before you get pregnant and even when you first become pregnant, you have visions of what it’ll be like.Find out the joys, the surprises and challenges you can expect in each phase and how to take care of yourself during this exciting time.

Complications in Pregnancy. All You Need to Know

Complications in Pregnancy. What are some common complications of pregnancy? These complications will involve the mothers and the child's health. These complications make pregnancy...

Ectopic Pregnancy

Sex In Pregnancy

Tips for exploring your sexuality during pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you experience many emotions and body changes. Consequently, you might keep wondering whether you are still sexy and attractive. It’s...

Now I am Pregnant

10 Key Signs of Pregnancy

I was having lunch in one of my favorite restaurants here in Kenya and I had ordered my usual meal of Ugali and Fish. ...

pregnancy lifestyle

Diet Considerations When Vegeterian

Are you a vegetarian? A well-balanced vegetarian diet during pregnancy can give your baby the best possible start. A sample of a well balanced...

preparing for your baby's arrival

Childbirth Classes

A childbirth class is great for preparing you for pregnancy, labor, and birth. Some communities organize childbirth classes for women and their support person....

BATHING BASICS: Baths & Sponge baths

You should give your baby a bath preferably once a day to allow him/her to relax unless otherwise advised by a doctor. You'll need the...
After The Abortion Procedure

After The Procedure

Beyond the emotional turmoil that comes after such a procedure, this is also a period of physical recovery. Here are a few tips on...

Considerations While Shopping for your Newborn

1. Safety • Avoid tight elastic bands that could reduce circulation. • Ensure there are loose features because laces, for example, could pose a choking hazard. •...
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