Routine Tests to Expect During Pregnancy


Your doctor will conduct a few tests throughout your pregnancy to know your health and that of your baby. In some cases, you’ll be asked to give consent while you might go through more thorough examinations in others.

When in doubt, you can seek a second opinion. However, for now, let’s look at the routine tests to expect during pregnancy.

Blood Pressure test

The procedure is painless and a requirement in every antenatal screening. Be curious to know your pressure levels for conditions like pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia are detected through the test.

Blood Analysis

Your doctor will take a blood sample from your arm for several reasons:

  • To know your blood type compatibility for pregnancy. Hence the clinician will check group and rhesus factor (RH). Your blood may not be compatible with your baby’s; then you get life-threatening complications later.
  • HIV status. You will be asked to consent for this one, although it’s among the routine tests to expect during pregnancy. Nevertheless, you must know the status to prevent mother-child HIV transmission in case the results are positive.
  • Anemia. Anemia in pregnancy could be as a result of iron or vitamin B12 deficiency. If undetected, the condition can cause congenital disabilities.
  • Diabetes. Once your body fails to process glucose, you might develop gestational diabetes. However, early detection will save you and the baby.
  • Hepatitis B. The last thing you want to do is pass the hepatitis B virus to your unborn child.

Urine tests

Several times during your clinics, you may be required to give a urine sample. Your urine is checked for any sign of infection, protein, or albumin. If any of them is found in your urine, it may mean that you have an infection that needs to be treated. It may also be a sign of preeclampsia, which, if left untreated, can affect the health and growth of the baby and ultimately lead to seizures (fits), which are life-threatening.

Group B streptococcus(GBS)

While the GBS bacteria is not harmful to you, it might be fatal diseases to your child. Hence, it’s one of the routine tests to expect during pregnancy. The medic will swab inside your vagina and rectum for the sample.

The ultrasound scans

You have seen pregnant women do it in movies to have an image of their baby. However, in real life, you will do a few scans at different stages, especially if you have a high-risk pregnancy.

Your gynecologist will see the baby from the scan and rule out things like congenital anomalies and placenta issues. It would be best if you also had the ultrasound to know whether you’re carrying multiple pregnancies and the expected delivery date.

Kick counts

This you will do on your own. Note the number of times your baby kicks or moves in an hour. It changes as your baby grows.


When you know the routine tests to expect during pregnancy, you know the questions to ask your clinician in each visit. You will deal with fewer uncertainties during your pregnancy.