Handling a Newborn

After you deliver your baby, you now have a new responsibility, which is taking care of your newborn. Your baby looks so fragile and...

Nursing the Umbilical Cord and Circumcision Wounds

An infant is delicate and the thought of a wound on them can be challenging especially to the first-time mother. However, nursing an umbilical...

Common Questions on Newborn Care

Newborn cleaning and grooming 1. How should I care for my baby's genitals? • Change diapers regularly. • Change any stool diaper immediately to avoid a diaper...

Baby Pee and Poop Chart: What to Expect After Birth

Congratulations on your bundle of joy. You must have felt like the last trimester had a million days! Now, once you bring your blessing...

My Baby: When do I see a Doctor?

As a new mum, sometimes it is hard to know when your baby is going through a normal phase or when there could be...

Baby Sleeping Habits

Babies will actually sleep about 16 hours or more! Newborns typically sleep for periods of 3-4 hours. Don't expect your little one to sleep...

Feeding and Burping the Baby

Whether feeding your newborn by breast or a bottle, it is recommended that babies be fed on demand whenever they seem hungry. The baby...


See a doctor if your baby’s temperature is higher or lower than the following normal ranges. You only need to check your baby’s temperature...
Visitors after Baby Kenya

Visitors at Home

Once you get home, you will be busy settling in and bonding with your little one. Bonding occurs during the sensitive time in the...

Your Newborn’s Face and Head

Right after the baby was placed in her arms, she whispered, "My baby really has a funny shaped head." After birth, your little one may...

How do I feed my baby solids?

Now that your baby is taking solids, how do you go about feeding your baby? How do you actually get the food from the...
Bonding with Baby

Is Mother-Child Bonding Automatic After Delivery?

Babies are born ready to bond but that cannot be said of their mums who might experience a combination of feelings after delivery. It...

Shaken Baby Syndrome

It’s common to see Kenyans shake a baby in an attempt to soothe or to make baby laugh. However, many don’t know that shaking...
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