We have a friend who takes time away from her family just to rest…

We have a friend who takes time away from her family just to rest. She’s a working mum and sometimes with pressure all around her, she misses out on sleep, gets fatigued and sometimes needs to get away, even if it’s for 2 days. Would you do this – or would you feel guilty even before you begin to get away? If you can’t, how then do you unwind?

1 Answers

A newborn can bring a whirlwind of activity and excitement to life and plenty of stress and fatigue as well. Whether it is a first-time parent or a seasoned veteran. To the new mum, take care of yourself.
Resist the urge to count caffeine as a major food group or a substitute for sleep. Instead, eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and get some fresh air. Sleep when the baby sleeps and work out a nighttime schedule with your partner or other caregivers that allows both of you to rest and care for the baby. Do something you enjoy every day, either with your baby or on your own. Good habits will help you maintain the energy you need to care for your newborn. If it involves taking sometime off then go ahead as it will leave you feeling refreshed and re-energized to care for your family