Important Tips to Consider when Travelling with your Baby

Travelling with your baby can be quite a daunting task but with good planning and preparation, you can have a fun-filled holiday with the...

Basic guide to travelling with multiple children in Kenya

Travelling with children by road in a personal car or using public means needs careful planning if the trip is to be enjoyable for...

Mum Travelling Without Baby

You have just resumed work after maternity leave, and that email comes that ‘requests’ you to attend a 3-day conference at a different city...

Head Injuries

What to do if your child falls: 1. Console your baby. Stay calm and don’t panic. This will help your child calm down so you can...

Things you must pack in your Diaper Bag

The diaper bag is a must-have for every mom.  Here are some of the essentials of a diaper bag Diapers and wipes: Pack more...

Baby-Proofing to Avoid Water Accidents

Babies have been known to drown in as little as 2 inches of water; it is vital to protect them. Here are a few...
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